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Day Three, Thursday, August 19

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Sewed the front and back of the upper (they're called sheer) panels together with copper wire. Turned it upside down.  Notice I've gone pro and am using a real sawhorse - no longer the kitchen chairs!


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Opened up the bottom hull panels and placed them upside down on top of the sheer panels.

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Drilled holes in sheer panels and hull panels and started sewing them together with the wire. It's important that the seams are smooth - that there are no gaps between the boards. This is what it looks like from the outside...

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and the inside. Look at those seams!


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It's actually starting to look like a boat. Phyllis is not impressed.


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Raised the hull up away from the sawhorse, supported on sticks with clamps, to make sure the frame cannot shift. This is in preparation for putting in the fiberglass.

Day 2   |    Day 4