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Day One, Tuesday, August 17

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Received boxes.  Owen inspects them. They seem to be complete and will hopefully turn into Chesapeake Light Craft's Chesapeake LT 16, a 15.5 foot wooden kayak. I am attempting to build this in my studio apartment here in Manhattan.


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Looked at the plans/blueprints - realized this was going to be even harder than putting together something from Ikea.

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Scarfed (connected with a special joint) the hull pieces together with epoxy, then clamped them. (Plywood only comes in pieces so long.) Notice the string along the floor between the two pieces on the right. Had to line up parts of the hull (the bottom part of the boat) with a the string to make sure they were glued together straight. Apparently the hull being straight is pretty important. Waiting for the epoxy to dry takes a lot of patience - it takes about 8-24 hours depending on how the epoxy is used.


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My epoxy station. Epoxy is used as glue, wood filler, or as a hard protective shell. To make epoxy, you mix resin (the bottle with blue writing) with hardener (the bottle with red writing) and then add either silica powder, sawdust, or nothing, depending on how you're using the epoxy. You also have to be really careful about the fumes and make sure you have good ventilation.

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