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Potomac River, Washington, D.C., Saturday, October 9

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My favorite boathouse in DC. Jack's. At the end of K Street. Seems like it's from another time. Richelle, Cliff and Dave came with.

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Cliff and Richelle in the canoe ...

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and Dave in a kayak. It was his first time in a kayak and he loved it.

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Luckily, my kayak is only about 45 pounds...

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so I can lift it myself. When we were taking the boat off the car in the boatyard parking lot, a guy came up to me with a little smile on his face. He said, "Chesapeake Light Craft?" I said yes. He said, "I'm building a Chesapeake 18. They are the best boats. Wood is still the best material for a kayak." I love this small world.

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What a wonderful place to paddle. By the Lincoln Memorial, Memorial Bridge, and even the Washington Monument (under construction at the moment).

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Hanging out by the Kennedy Center.